Minutes, Meetings and Milk


The minutes from the last meeting on 29th February are now available on the Meeting Papers Page.


Note that the next meeting is on Tuesday 19th April at 6.15 in the school.  if you would like to suggest an agenda item get in touch!.

Flavoured Milk – let us know your thoughts!

At the last PC meeting one parent raised concern over the flavoured milkschool offering flavoured milk and juice with the school lunches and asked that the drinks be restricted to plain milk and water.  A lengthy discussion ensued with with many opinions.  A majority of parents (and teachers) were in favour of introducing a trial period of only offering plain milk to see how it goes down with the kids.

It was felt that we didn’t have enough parents at the meeting to be properly representative of the school so we decided to canvass for opinion through the email and facebook group.

If you have an opinion on this issue it would be great to hear your views either through the FB thread or email directly to tollcrossparentcouncil@gmail.com.

For information the ‘plain’ milk has 5g of sugar/carbs and the apple juice has 5.6g.  The Strawberry milk is the highest with 7.4g.  Juice and flavoured milk are only offered occasionally and water is always available on the tables.  The school are going to put flavoured milk out of reach for the youngest children and if individual parents don’t want their children drinking flavoured milk they are happy to reinforce that if parents wish.